
By Ilaria

If you go down to the woods today......


Well....yesterday and today have been very pleasant indeed!!! :-)))) I still have a stinking cold, but weather wise it's been glorious and I cannot deny that I have been over the moon that my shot yesterday is presently sitting at the top of the Spotlight page, for the first time ever, with the most favourates I've ever had!!! It sure has made this weekend very nice!!! Thankyou!!

For me blip is just such a celebration of beautiful things and people...I've really thought a lot about that!! Photography has such great power to touch and inspire and affect people for good!! I have many lovely pictures in my house, that calm me, cheer me, make me smile, and help me see beyond what might be everyday mundaneness!! On blip...there are so many photos that do that for me...all different types of shots too!! They somehow lift me out of myself!!

It is so beautiful to think that my shots might do that for folk...makes me want to try even harder to capture that 'something', that beauty that can do this for others!! :-)) You folks SO affirm and inspire that!!! Thankyou!!

I've sometimes read that people get caught up in a degree of competition on blip. Why??!! Lets just celebrate all the beauty out there, and bring it here!!! On my non-blip days I love looking at everyone elses awesome shots, and reading the latest journals/life happenings.... I don't contribute...but I SO enjoy!!!!!!! I love this place!!! :-))))))))))))))))))

Ps...I did try to lighten this..but for me it lost some of it's here's the original!! :-)) Someone was in amoungst the woods doing Tai Chi just prior to this...what a great place for it!! :-)))

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