
By RockNerd

Avast Behind!

Up & about early today. LOH was working on a trade stall at the Guildhall School of Music, so I gave her a lift into the City.
Afterwards, I went for a stroll along the Thames & took a few pictures, but the results weren't much cop.

Here's a bit of the replica of the Golden Hinde, moored at Southwark. It was launched in 1973 & has sailed 140,000 miles (far more than the original ship!), including retracing the route of Drake's circumnavigation of the globe.
Drake's voyage, in 1577-80, was granted permission by Elizabeth I to plunder & loot the ships of her enemies. In other words Spanish ones.
Drake returned home a hero & so laden with stolen treasure, that even the cabin boys received a share worth about £1 million in todays money.
Unsurprisingly, in Spain he remains reviled as a pirate.

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