A murder of crows

We managed, courtesy of the number one son, to sleep until nearly 7:30 this morning. This was a very agreeable feeling especially given the major whirlwind which has been the last two weeks. We have had more visitors staying in that fortnight than we have had for months, which is very nice indeed, but tiring. We makes our bed and we sleep in it.

Until the number one son comes along and we get up.

Today was a beautiful day, cold but cloudless, sun streamed into the house revealing the lack of effort of housework I have put in recently, for reasons see the first paragraph. I have become quite philosophical in any case regarding this. Similarly, previously, for some reason I used to get semi stressed about taking a photo, but I tihnk life is too short.

This afternoon we went for a long wander around the local hospital grounds as the light slipped away, the smell of bonfires and damp leaves. I do love autumn and the colours which I never seem to be able to capture on my camera.

Much was done today, garden furniture tidied away for the winter, garage semi-cleared and a neighbour told me they had rats in their garage. Hmmm, nicht so gut. Memories came flooding back of being awoken in the middle of the night when a rat tried to eat its way into my flat under the eves in the north of France. They shall not pass.

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