So, it's been a while. Photoshop hasn't been playing nice so it's taken me ages to be able to work on a photo on the day I actually took it. And other boring stuff too.
Tonight I dropped my daughter & a friend off at the AECC to see the Arctic Monkeys. She had a great time, but the driving of the other road users when I both dropped her off and picked her up was shockingly bad. It was close to freezing and I had cars drive centimetres from my rear bumper for much of the way. Idiots.
The result? I feel as tense and spiky as the barbed wire. Which is why this is the shot I chose tonight.
And, apparently, the Arctic Monkeys were 'amazing'.
- 1
- 0
- Nikon D5000
- 1/100
- f/5.6
- 55mm
- 400
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