Granny Hugs

Big hug for Noah in his new uniform as he heads into school.

A couple of things which amused me this morning:

Noah has developed the habit of picking his spot where he wants to say good-bye. On the way to the class room he just stops, turns around and says softly but firmly, you can "leave me here", then he gives a big hug and heads off on his own. Today we were quite close to the class but sometimes it is as soon as he gets out of the car in the parking lot.

The other thing was that one of his closest friends (a girl) saw Noah with his new uniform on Friday afternoon and pestered her mother to buy one for her too (even though she is a year younger and doesn't need one yet). Her Mom gave in, and so this morning she was all dressed up and hiding, waiting for Noah to arrive so she could come out and show him. This was all great, but her Mom told me that her daughter had refused the girl's uniform which requires a skirt and so they bought the boy's outfit with short pants. So she and Noah looked identical. They make such a cute couple.

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