Nessie views

By cpo173

Freddy and Friends.

This is great. Sitting out here in the sun although after 15 years in a cupboard the sun hurt my eyes so I had to borrow mums sunglasses. I've found two new friends, Fin - mums collie in the background and Floppie - the garden guard in front of me.
The only thig wrong is that it is cold and I think I'll have to ask mum to knit me a sweater, that is of course , after she has finished knitting for the children in Malawi. Better get back indoors now as I'm shivreen (as the say it up here). Those of you who have to - Dont work too hard. Byeeee.
P.S. You'll see from my name and the names of my friends that Mum and Dad are fond of the "F" word.

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