Scrawny Old Man

By richtoller

Misty morning

Dawn was bright but then the mist came down - so I was off down to the ponds again for a different blip.
As this is my fourth Trottick Ponds blip in five days, and I've done several before, I think it's time for a bit of background information.
200 years ago the Dighty Burn, which runs round the north of Dundee and enters the Tay at Monifieth, was the most industrialised waterway in Europe. It's quite a small stream but a lot of water comes down from the Sidlaws and it powered over 30 mills in a short distance. It was also so polluted that nothing could live in it.
Now there's the remains of the Claverhouse Mill, now incorporated into a small housing estate, and its ponds and bleachfield. Dundee is famous for jute, but before jute there was linen made from flax, and this was a flax mill. Linen was laid out to dry on the bleachfield meadow, and two large ponds stored water from the burn for the mill. Flow was controlled by sluice gates.
Now it's a local nature reserve, a quiet place where you can see mallard, mute swans, heron and moorhens all year round, tufted ducks when they feel like turning up, goosanders and sometimes cormorants and goldeneye in Winter (and we saw a water rail there once); sedge warblers in summer, buzzards overhead, dippers, grey wagtails and occasionally kingfishers in the burn (and I'm told there are otters) - all five minutes walk from our house.
And a bonus today - it's been a bit soggy but the wet bits were frozen this morning.
Have a look at my pictures for yesterday, Friday and Thursday too, if I haven't bored you to tears by now.

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