
By Poppy

The garden behind Ginny's shed . . .

So much for colour schemed gardens! It was going to be a pink and purple garden, but then some whites and blues crept in, and some orange poppies self seeded and I planted daffodils for earlier in the year, so it is just 'the garden behind Ginny's shed'.

Ginny was the last of my goats, and she died in 2000. I had kept goats for 23 years, and not having one took a fair bit of adjusting to. They are amazing creatures, very affectionate and make good pets, although they are quite tying and time consuming, if you are milking them twice a day.

Ginny was a lovely and beautiful beast, a Golden Guensey x Angora, so she had a long white coat of glossy ringlets, loppy ears and looked vaguely biblical. She spent alot of time on her hind legs and looking for things to jump off! Having no mountains nearby was a constant source of frustration for her!

Day off work today, frantically trying to tick things off the Before Going Away and Packing lists before we head off on Saturday. As we are going on the ferry, the wind is just starting to pick up now in readiness!

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