
By Appreciation

Amidst the Fog

'Well what can I say ? I'd like to thank Billy Brown for his very short spell as caretaker Manager. Well Done Billy. Hibernian FC have always been The Sunshine on Leith in my eyes. I am a Leither first and foremost which is why being given the chance to turn round the fortunes of this club is close to my heart. The passion and commitment you can expect from me will be of the highest level!

'I will be looking to bring in some new players and perhaps Mr Latapy can be brought back from down the road? I hear the janitor and shop manager are eager to try out and I can refuse no-one the opportunity to wear the badge at this dire time in our fight to the top. Eddie Turnbull did not die in vain. His love of the club has inspired many, including Miksu who though he was dead and forgot to invite him to the last Cup, but we can all make mistakes.

I will be looking to the youff to play their part and I hear there is a good striker in young Joe Smith, and of course my own boy who is always keen to take one for the club and who claims his permanent black eye is doing a rousing trade with the girls. The famous five shall rise again - I just have to find the other three.

That's what we are missing. Youth, Talent and Carbs in the form of Scones. With these key elements I would hope to see the fans singing once again on the terraces and perhaps shed my own tears - eh John!

To those fans who question my experience may I say that I served my time on the terraces in the days of Pat and Eric. My time as a youth worker has allowed me to escort people home in various states of inebriation amongst other things (sniff) and I have had ample time spent in the bookies watching flies climb up the walls. I have served my time at the sidelines on pro-youth and club games, I have harassed the ref and opposition and never given up and I have shouted at young girls to kick the ball not look at it. What more need I say.'

Well we can dream can't we? In other news I spent a lovely day in North Berwick in the sun. This is for Di - who about now I know will need a laugh - cheers!

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