
By AprilJane

Oh So Quiet

I had things to think about today, so during the hour long drive back from a friends house, I forced myself to think, and so drove in silence.

I'm usually surrounded by noise. Early morning news and music. During the day, talk radio, news, phone-ins, debate. When the children come home, chatter, music, evening news. In the evenings, conversation, TV, laughter. At night, I fall asleep with my iPod on, podcasts, stories, poetry. If I wake up, (which I always do) I turn it on again till I fall back to sleep.

I've realised that I have to talk it to think it, and Chris and my friends have to listen to me debating with myself to come up with conclusions. It must be maddening. But sometimes you have to do it on my own, like today. But too much quiet makes me feel.......quiet.

But then Al and Betsy came home.

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