Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Positive Postcard

Number 3 arrived today. Claire is doing well in her graphics lesson, she has designed and created a blister pack and now is designing and creating a piece of jewellery made from recycled materials, so hopefully that will go well too.

Claire had an unpleasant start today when she felt a tickling sensation after putting on her school trousers.

"There's something in my trousers, Mum!" and with that she whipped them off.

"Claire, it's 8.25, I don't have time for this, there's nothing in your trousers, put them on!" said sympathetic me.

She persisted and I investigated the trousers. I felt a tickle brush against my hand as a huge WASP flew out the trousers! Close one, amazing that neither of us got stung.

Tonight after dinner another wasp appeared and drowsily flew around the kitchen. I'm suspicious now....coincidence or something more sinister?

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