Poplars at dusk...

Today has been the quintessential November day - dark, damp, still - a day of reflection and anticipation. I took the dogs along the river and actually revelled in the soft misty rain - the gloom seemed to stretch back and rekindle all my childhood memories of similar November days and distil them into one. Photography was difficult - but I became fascinated by the reflections of the trees in the river - and how they can deceive if you care to look at them with an open mind.

I've also been thinking a lot about my Mum today. I sat in her old chair for five minutes this morning and watched the birds visiting the feeder in the pear tree - something she always loved to do. The coal tit was flashing in and out busily, never stopping for more than a second. The dunnock hung around on a nearby branch waiting for a suitable opportunity to sneak in, and the cheeky blue and great tits just helped themselves to sunflower seeds, with little care for any of the other birds.

Now the dark has descended and it's time to finish the preparation of our evening meal. I'm going to put the fruit for the Christmas cake to macerate in brandy overnight, ready for baking tomorrow. The glorious smell will be the first first anticipation of the festive season ahead....

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