Jess & Molly Law

By jml


When I came upstairs to fill in my backblips, Jess & Molly both accompanied me. Neither, funnily enough, wanted to supervise my work. They each settled in a different corner of the upper floor.

Jess stretched out in our bedroom. This is where she usually spends the night - except when she decides to jump up onto the bed itself. She is good at this - she can pick a comfy spot and land on it without knocking the breath out of us,

Molly chose a spot halfway up the stairs (guarding the photographs on the wall!). During the night, she seems to be more of a wanderer. She will wander up and down stairs, sleeping in several different places. Only towards the morning does she usually drift towards our room. (This morning, she came and woke me at 6am, desperate to be let outside. At least she was kind to me - she sat beside me and whined until I was awake. Sometimes she just jumps onto the bed with no warning - and I am usually the one who takes the force of her landing!)


The back-blips from our weekend away are now loaded:

Setting Suns
Commando Monument

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