
2years 18days

Well, thats the thing with moving house, isnt it. You find allsorts of interesting stuff, allsorts of junk, allsorts of things that toddlers delight in claiming as treasured possessions when all Mummy wants is to try pack them! For Katie, today's discovery was some of my running medals, which were in one of my memory boxes that she could now reach. She wandered round the house jangling her necklaces (which then became bells) and looked very proud of herself. If only she knew the blood, sweat (yes, and tears) that those medals required!

The beautiful party dress she is wearing in the photo is what she insisted on wearing to nursery today. She's very into dresses at the moment. She was tired this morning after an early start, so fell asleep on the way to nursery. I put her in the snuggle corner when we got there, and she was a bit sad I didnt stay to snuggle.

I missed her a lot today, so went back a bit early after a few frustrations with uni. They said she'd had a good day, she'd eaten a lot again, including a second portion of lunch. She was outside when I arrived, and ran to the fence, grinning and shrieking happily. When I'd walked round and into her room she was there waiting with a cuddle.

It was so lovely to have a bit of daylight time together. I took her for a big girls drink together, and she walked to coffee shop clutching my hand tightly, with a beautiful big grin on her face - I melted quite a lot. She sat drinking her babyccino like such a grown up little lady. We went and picked some tea, then sat together at home to eat. She was determined she didnt want a bath tonight, which is unusual, so it was snuggles, milk and sleep fairly quickly, bless her.

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