horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Ganesh, possibly my favourite god (though the Vikings knew how to do gods). Might seem a strange thing for a devout Atheist to say, but I've got a healthy interest in religion for the history; the stories; the art; the passion it dictates. What I could do without is the hatred based on another's religion, or the sense that because you don't follow someone else's chosen path that you are wrong.

Interest rather than belief leads you to interesting observations. Such as reading the Qu'ran and finding out that the original meaning of Muslim was someone who was simply devoted to god. It specifically included Jews and Christians. Intriguing isn't it? What was important was that devotion, not how you went about that devotion. Of course later on most religious texts get misconstrued (whether deliberately or not) and used as reasoning for bigoted dislike. That's human nature, which is pretty ugly.

I've been told by a friend who is an ardent Christian that I will be going to hell because... well... why? Because I don't go to church? Because I don't pray for forgiveness? Last night when I told a driver that their rear lights weren't working means little. Being nice means nothing if it isn't accompanied by habit.

Which brings me to poppies. Annual habit. And yes, I will be buying one, because I believe in the cause of those selling them. But habit it is, and and expectation of others. Appear on the BBC sans-poppy at your peril for you are therefore a ridiculously uncaring swine who doesn't care about those who died for our freedom all those years ago. You could devote days of your year, every year, behind the scenes, helping in any way you can. But you don't wear a poppy at that one time every year, whereas that newsreader wears one dutifully, with no connection and no knowledge and no desire for the knowledge of what it all means. But they have done what you're supposed to do and therefore are to be held up as a paean of compassion.

If you truly want to understand then read. Visit sites. Learn. Believe, if you like, in the message, rather than pandering to expectation. If you wear a poppy wear it with pride and feeling; don't wear it out of some misplaced patriotism or because someone told you you should.

Hmmm. BBC newsreaders are equivalent to religious fundamentalists. Interesting.

Anyway, why Ganesh? Well quite apart from the fact that he looks cooooool... 'Remover of Obstacles', that's pretty good; renowned for intellect and involved with sciences and the arts, it's getting better; 'Patron of Letters' when it comes to starting writing sessions... He's my kinda god.

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