Family Dog

By Family_Dog

the comfort of comfortable

I used to think my life was incredibly complicated. Work, family, our relationship, getting stuff done in the house, not to mention a strong and busy social life that required a lo-oot of work... I didn't know where the time went and I never felt satisfied.

There was always someone we weren't seeing or if we were seeing them it wasn't enough or for a decent length of time.

That complication was one of the reasons I was so worried about having a baby - 'with all this', I thought 'how will I fit it all in AND bring up a baby?'

In all honesty, life has become so much LESS complicated. All we do in life is make sure that this little guy gets what he needs and what he wants. Everything else has to fit in around him. I used to think that sounded depressing, but guess what? It's not. I'm still me and Bry's still The Dog and we still have our friends and we still do interesting things and I don't feel like my life has disintegrated into one big Stepford mess. And I don't feel like I've been lobotomised.

All in all, this has all come as one big kick up the arse for me. I hope I'm not turning into one of those women who want 13 kids or more because I've left it kinda late.

This lovely little bundle (who sleeps in very funny shapes) slept from 11pm last night until 4.50am this morning. Which means I did too.

Oh it was absolute bliss. x

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