Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow...

Due to a slight misunderstanding, today my sweet little Boo lost all of his floppy long locks. Husband and I had a disagreement in the barbers about how much he should lop off. Barber asked for a decision, husband gesticulated in a way that meant 'do what she said', but the gesture must've been misinterpreted as 'do what I said'. Even husband hadn't intended for this much to go though. As I saw the barber chop a huge chunk off one side, I realised it was already to late to turn back. The only compromise would have been to lop a chunk out of the other side, leaving the back long. Viva la mullet. I let him finish the job and now Boo has a very short crop. I nearly cried, but tried to hide it from him - I just kept telling him how handsome he looked, and was warmed to see how pleased he was to look more like his Daddy and his cousin :)

I know, It'll grow back (no more barbers for at least a year. Hmph!). I'm just feeling all emotional because he's lost his babyish look now, he looks about a year older all of a sudden. My little boy is growing up fast - these days are precious!

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