
By Juleshki

Gold on Gold

I don't think I can make any more apologies for photographing this particular scene, as I'm right out of apologies at the moment, although I'm expecting a delivery tomorrow. Always handy to have some in.

As I came home this afternoon the sun was beginning to set and the light was just amazing and setting the trees on fire! (....not literally!)

This and the other pictures I took by the canal today were amongst the first taken on my iphone, which was delivered just yesterday.

Now, you need to bear in mind the fact that I am not a techno person at all where phones are concerned and my trusty old (very, very old!) phone is looking sad as a result of being passed over for this bright, young, shiny, whipper snapper of a phone. Awww.

So, basically, pressing a button got me this. It didn't take a lot to convert me.

Here is a similar view from last week.

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