The Dice Man is set free!

I sent a book into the wild today!

It's called book crossing

You register a book at Book crossing (above), write the books registered reference inside the book with a note of explanation for whoever finds it & leave it in a public place (train stations & airports are good).

Whoever finds it reads it and can register their thoughts on the book online before setting it free again!

The last time I sent out 'Jonathan Livingstone Seagull' it went to Sweden & Germany before returning to the UK (although some books make it right around the world)!

It's free, fun & a great activity to do with kids to get them into books or if they love books already!

If you want to see where my Diceman book ends up just look up

I chose the Dice man as its a book about chance & randomness which suits the practice of Book Crossing perfectly.

The Diceman is a must read cult classic that can change your life. Let the dice decide! This is the philosophy that changes the life of bored psychiatrist Luke Rhinehart - and in some ways changes the world as well. Because once you hand over your life to the dice, anything can happen. Entertaining, humorous, scary, shocking, subversive!

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