To the woods, to the woods...

I'll tell the Vicar.......

Three way split today. Once upon a time we shopped on Friday, Thursday was dedicated to ''Taking off'' i.e. Leaping in the car and going somewhere or other.

After a couple of enforced Wed/Thurs shops Gaffer decided it was less hassle than Friday.

Three way split
1. A ''pidjin'' reason will be apparent when it gets published.
2. A Gammy legged Scot wearing a T-shirt which read
''Save some water...
Drink more Moonshine...

Personally (Right or wrong), I'd have bunged an ''E'' in there.

You've just been looking at choice #3.
After the apple wine escapade, I observed more apples on a different tree: Gaffer found a recipe she fancies in BBC© Good food magazine for ''Winter spice jelly''.

A quick scan of it seems to be a bit like the ''Apple Sauce'' you get with pork, with added Cinnamon, Star anise, Nutmeg, Allspice, Mace,Orange peel, Bay leaves and Cider vinegar.

As we have most of it or it won't break the bank, guess who's been after the apples again?

So far as I can tell, the area is a dedicated dog-walkery which has shrunk as nature creeps in and the dogs seem to use less space than allotted.

Bit of Humming and Ha-ing, called in ''The Jury'' and she voted for this one. She's usually right.  This was her choice and every-one who's seen both prefers her choice, whereas I went for the fact you could see the Yew berry through each droplet in the other.

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