My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

The View from Up Here

We were at Leopard Lodge which is quite high up the mountain. The view is breathtaking as you can see. I just wish I had got there early as the light was already fading. This is the western side of the dam looking east.

It was another extremely hot day and very stressful at school. Exam papers needed to be printed and our printers were not co-operating. Luckily the day was saved when we got a loan machine.

This evening I was asked to take photographs at the Grade 7 graduation dinner. The theme was 'A Night in Venice' and the venue was at Leopard Lodge up in the mountain.

I am not sure if I did a good job as the lighting is difficult in the evening. I will put the photos together as a presentation which will be uploaded onto the branded flashdrives they received as a momento from the school.

Our school is 10 years old this year and their class has a total of 10 children. So they are the MCS 10!

I returned home at 7:30 and made a quick tuna and pasta meal for the family.

It's bedtime now!

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