Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Dark moon rising!

Normal, ordinary, pedestrian, boring, eventless, that's how I would describe today.

I met lovely people and shared some time with them all, we pondered upon the why's and wherefore's of life, came to not a single coherent conclusion. I milled about at work with my charming workmates, laughing and enjoying ourselves.

My Big Bro called and is coming to stay the night, most excellent! When I was cycling home (with all the idiots whom seem to think they wouldn't get hurt if a car smashed into them for the lack of lights or reflective material, I could tell them different!) the air had chilled nicely and some stars and Jupiter were very evident.

Down the winding river path went I, slippy and pitch black it wound around the trees and then there was an eery glow and the moon appeared through the ghostly branches, wondrous hues and shades edged the clouds and for a moment there was silence.......

Did I say boring....I had a wicked day!!!!

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