Sprint & Spirit

By jerryshi734


I was feeling inspired. When I feel inspired, I either play music, write music, or write a long-winded essay. Today it ended up being a long-winded essay:

I am not an innovator. I am not a leader in the traditional sense of the word. I'm not the one with the great ideas and the master strategy to harvest ideas into fruition. I'm not the one to change the world. I've been in the know about MPowered this whole time, and I made my pitches. This whole time, I've felt kinda bad because I know that I'm not the innovative genius that will change the world. But there's a reason that God gives us all different talents and tells us to fill a role.

There's a reason the Pistons won the championship in 2004. It's all very poetic, actually. Take the glitz and glamour of LA and their Lakers juxtaposed against the raw heart and emotion of Detroit and our Pistons. Take the team of superstars and future Hall of Famers against the team of journeymen and role players. There's a reason the world sucks as much as it does right now. The problem is greed and poor judgment. Too many people are chasing after the false allusion of fame and fortune. Everybody wants to be the CEO or manager. Nobody wants to be just another face in the crowd.
That's where we're wrong. We may only be faces in the crowd, but we're important faces. Steve Jobs and Apple are never remembered in history unless the workers in China and Indonesia assemble the parts correctly. Troy High's orchestra is never as great as it is unless 5th chair viola, 10th chair first violin, and 15th chair cello blend their sound and spirit in as gracefully as everybody else do. And the Pistons never beat the Lakers unless Big Ben gets those tough boards, Tayshaun sets those hard screens for Rip, and Chauncey makes those extra passes.

Some people have questioned why I have no desire to change the world. They misunderstand me. I know how hard it is to change the world. I know how hard it is to come up with a cure for cancer or with the next iPod/iTouch/iPhone/iCar/iHouse. But I do know that I can change one person, one thing at a time. I'll never be the smartest, most innovative, or most talented one in the room, but I'll always be the hungriest one. Anything that I've ever really set my heart to, I've never completely failed at. I know what's going on around campus and in the world. I know where to find information and how to find it.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness, and love is the greatest catalyst of all.

Whatever role needs to be filled, I fill it. I see myself doing accounting, finance, consulting, analysis, anything. But more importantly, I see myself helping myself, my teammates, my organization, my community, and God's Kingdom on Earth grow. This is why I'm applying to Ross. God brought me to Ann Arbor to humble me. God placed Calc III and Great Books in my schedule to challenge me. I've been preparing for these exams for over two months now, but I've been preparing for eternity for over two years now.

I know that I seem like all talk right now. And I know at times I'll seem to be the greedy, selfish one. I'm not perfect. In fact, I'm very imperfect. Keep me accountable. And God will give me the rest of the forgiveness and grace I need.



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