life in 4x6

By macdoughnut

Another Fine Pare

Day 424

Here was the first pair.

Top day in vet life. A great practical on hoof trimming of cattle. Slightly gruesome I suppose to the more delicate souls, as we were practising our paring skills on severed cows hooves. Such an invaluable lesson however. And then to round off the whole class we got to amputate one of the digits. You achieve that with quite a lot of sweat and grunting using a 'cheese wire'.

We then spent the afternoon out at one of the agric colleges in Midlothian. We were vasectomising some tups (boy sheeps), while 30 young agric students looked on. You can only imagine the comments being said at they watched me scrubbing and prepping the tups' scrotums for surgery!

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