X Sighted

By q8rdave

Disparate Housecats of Daytona Beach, Episode 49

Anticipated Pleasure of a Much Bigger Deck "Great Cat in heaven!!", exclaims Mirl. "I nearly walked out there. Cat slave must be trying to kill us! He left this door open knowing full well that we would want a snooze on the porch." "It is a 'deck'" corrects Sidd. "Oh that's right, he does call it his 'deck'. He must be making it bigger." "Yeah, more plank per cat! WE needed a bigger deck." "Ya, I have heard other people say that about cat slave, too!" "You are soooo the evil kitty, Mr. Mirl!" Uncontrolled cat snickering can be heard throughout the house. Poor, poor pussies - so misunderstood.

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