Dr. J's Day

By JaniceNgan

Rough day

Ugggggh! Set my alarm for 6am, never went off, bolted up at 7am and had the leave the house at 7.15 to catch the ferry. And it was pouring so that didn't make traffic any better. And I was hungover. And had to be at the office by 9am, so I decided to drive around the peninsula (an hour drive) - which was probably good for me to help me gather my wits about myself. The drive was supremely gorgeous....trees changing colors, big rolling hills, low lying fog and a light frost on everything.

Had an out of sorts day at my new job - new place, new staff, new everything. But it went off without a hitch. On my commute home on the ferry, had a glass of wine with one of my new co-workers. That's a nice perk with the ferry commute :)

Came home and Jer made this scrumptious clam chowder filled with bok choy, peppers, cremini mushrooms, onions and potatoes.

I was asleep on the sofa by 10pm.

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