Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

We will remember them.

It's been a tough week.

However I have taken a moment to remember those who have fallen and given their lives for us.

I am singing at the funeral next week which is an honour. I need to start brushing up on my hymns.

It's nearly a year since my nan went as well. She lived through the second world war with four children under five. I used to love listening to her stories.

The one I remember clearly was that she used to wear a floor length apron. Her and her friends would set off with their ration books and aprons and go from shop to shop to get the food they needed. She would hold the end of her apron up and use it like a shopping bag. SHe said they had to walk for miles as shops would not have enough goods etc etc.... No such thing as Asda in those days.

She also had a box of sewing machine bits like the bobbin etc. My grandad (who was in a reserved occupation) bought her a sewing machine and bought the box of bits home with the intention of going back for the machine the next day. The factory was bombed overnight and she never got her sewing machine. She did keep the box of bits till the day she died.

Also my Grandad (he was a bit of a character) decided that the Anderson shelter in the garden was all a bit silly. He dug it up and stuck it in the middle of the kitchen. Thankfully they were never bombed though many around them were. I can still remember her telling me of one family who she lived near. The parents and child sheltered in the basement, the grandparent in the attic. The house was bombed and the grandparent was the only one who survived. Sad days.

We will remember them.

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