Inviting or Forbidding?
First, I can report that I didn't lose my group last night ... once I had found them! I was late!! The lights served to help.
Blipping and running yet again as I'm about to leave for a special blipmeet. I'm posing a question tonight then. Does this tunnel invite you in or scare you away? I've always been fascinated by tunnels, since as far back as I can remember. As a kid I can remember wanting to explore the sewers in London. I've always wanted to discover a secret tunnel somewhere. If I were ever to design a house then I would build a secret tunnel into it somewhere for a future occupier to find. It wouldn't show on the plans.!
While at university I discovered the joys of pot-holing (or caving or spelunking) and I absolutely loved exploring the limestone caves of this country - especially those of the Yorkshire Dales. It is the reason I live where I do ... although I haven't been underground for many years now since nearly losing someone. I've often speculated that it was all about getting close to Mother Earth. A lot of people claim that they are claustrophobic but I never once took a person down who found it that way and didn't enjoy the experience. Writing this I find that I am quite missing it. How does it make you feel?
Thanks for the lovely feedback on yesterday's experiment. Enjoy a great evening. Will try to catch up with you over the weekend.
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