For the family

By RonaMac

The next polishing project!

I went looking for another chair to polish and cane and found this. A rather tatty, but robust, sewing box with rather stylish legs, which I took a fancy to! The lady in the shop said that with a clean and a bit of spray polish on the top it would be OK??..No way??I will strip it down and start from scratch.
The lining inside the box is in good condition, so will not need replacing.

This wasn't the intended blip for today. Only took pics of the box to show Daughter No1 & only what I'm up to in my limited spare time.

We are visiting this weekend for some belated celebrations, a tidy up of the garden we replanted in September and to tackle another area of garden which is being overtaken by a neighbours brambles, plus many other things.

Trying to do something different I took several pictures of cooling towers in the mist on the way here??too misty and too dark outside before I realised my mistake.

We are going out to dinner this evening, so I don't want to be making decisions after a nice meal, a drop or two of wine and a share of the champers!!!

So the box will do for today. It will go to class on Monday evening and be in a worse state than this before it gets better. Progress will be recorded.

Enjoy the weekend!!

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