We Will Remember

A bit of a collage for today. Foremost in the minds of Mr Lif and I today has been Mike's dad, George, who passed away in August. He would have been 92 today. He bravely fought in the battle of Kohima during WW2. From that battle we have the epitaph;

"When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today"

Mike read this out at his father's funeral in August, very poignant

In September, my parent's came to visit me after visiting my aunt who has been researching our family tree. Dad had taken some photocopies of documents, including these letters shown which my gran had received on the death of her brother Tom in 1941. Tom, apparently died of shock, unmarked after volunteering to go forward while based with the Men of Essex in Egypt. Gran had told me many tales of Tom so it was good to see the history documented.

I thought it was appropriate to pull these together today in a collage. Lest we forget....

for the detail of the letters

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