A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother


Julia arrived home today!!! :-)

She went to Dan's school for a visit, which they thoroughly enjoyed & then picked Dhylan & Lennon up from school! < This bought on a very emotional responce from alot of people!

We are very glad she's home safe & sound!

Julia also treated the whole family to a chinese buffet! Yum! We stayed on starters for ages! hehe! It's so nice to just sit & chat without people running round tidying up!

The boys had a late night, but with good reason I think! Dhylan fell asleep on me in the sitting room, so nice as it doesn't happen much anymore! :-)

Dan's 48 cakes went down a treat!!! :-)

We had a challenge on the way to school - 'find 5 leaves of different colour & size', the boys did very well!

Lennon also got 'Star Of The Week'!! Very proud!

I did take another picture today, but I don't think Julia would appreaciate me using it as my blip!!

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