Where are the biscuits?

This is the closest I've come so far to not blipping - but I didn't want to break my unbroken run. The weather today's been duller than ever - basically we've sat in a damp, grey cloud - pretty uninspiring.

This morning I went into Peterborough to try and decide on curtains and blinds for the rooms we're decorating. Shopping centres always seem to make me feel uncomfortable (usually too hot, noisy or with overwhelmingly strong perfume smells), and today I felt very strange, which didn't help my efficiency.

I returned home as quickly as I could and then set to work on a report. By the time I looked up from the computer it was virtually dark. Alex had been raking reeds at Orton Pit all day and I went off to fetch him at 4pm.

When we got back I though Pete looked poorly and he admitted he was feeling dizzy and had lost the sensation in his hands for a while. At first I thought he might be coming down with my virus, but then it struck me it might be a migraine.

He doesn't get them very often (every couple of years), and they don't seem to have the classic signs, so usually we don't realise what's wrong until its too late. I gave him some pink Migraleve and luckily those, and bed rest, seem to have dome the trick. He's certainly pink again rather than a rather ghostly greenish-white!

At ten o'clock I still hadn't got any usable photographs and was just about to give up when I came across Patch in the kitchen, giving me his hard stare. In essence he's willing me to put him on the table and give him some biscuits. He's a very old cat now and seems to become more imperious with every day that passes! Of course, he got his way :)

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