French markets
Time for a little rant about markets. This is early morning in our village market in Vernet. Wholly unremarkable really except if you look closely at what is being sold. Everything in the market comes from the valley or close by, nothing flown in from Kenya or South America. Now I am not especially a gourmet foodie but I do like things fresh and tasty and do not like to be continually seduced by two for one offers or see small producers pushed out of business by the big boys. Here I can buy a handful of lettuce leaves and a gourd out of someone's garden. Our local farmer's market in the UK struggles and I am always suspicious that the olives contravene the 30 miile radius rule! The main market just sells the seconds the supermarkets reject.
Stop! I am building up a head of steam and will become even more boring.
Enjoy your lunch.
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