Reikes small life...

By Reike


Weird day, some funny things, some bad things, but nothing special.
In the morning Ola told me very proudly in the lab: `I found a new lover! It`s in the fridge!` She ment the DNA ladder...
Later on Dr. John Wain gave a talk ;)
And then a guy asked by mail for a tissue homogenisator - he would need it for his mouse heart cause his is broken - poor guy , and this one day after Valentine`s day! ;)))

Had a flat tire and had to go by car.
Later on fighting with my bike to get the tire fixed - I won!
Swimming in the morning was my only sports today, only went to see my horse later on but the indoors school was busy and it was too dark and windy to ride outside.
Will have another phone interview next week...

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