Hopping around!

By Harebell


We've been out for our Saturday morning walk/run. Mr H runs, I walk. It was ever so busy down the farm track. The farmer was harvesting his mangelwurzels, we call them mangewurzel as we're not sure what they are, probably sugar beet. He had a great big combine harvester machine with whirling spirals and a conveyor belt, very impressive machine.

There was a woman walking her dog. Two horse riders came by and then, later on, there was another person in a tractor ploughing another field. The gulls were following close by the tractor and there was still an autumnal mistiness about which was very atmospheric. We saw the deer again, (one of last weeks blips).
I felt very lucky to be having such a lovely walk on such a fine mellow autumn day.

We got home and had a poke about the garden. Mr H found this fungus on the cut back stalks of the buddleia. I thought it looked like an ear, a bit shell like. My 'Collins Complete British Wildlife' book describes something that looks like this as 'Ear Fungus' . I don't know whether it is that or not, anyone know?

Off to do the Christmas Decoration making class at Wicken Fen, shortly. Will blip the results tomorrow. Gosh, I have gone on a bit today.....

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