Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Better late than never didn't help this duck at all. This feathery friend, at the park, arrived just moments after all the bread had been scattered. A pretty poser and not even a crumb of payment! I'll have to bring more bread next visit.

As for this guy, after two days of hiding and seemingly being afraid to come out he finally left. During his stay, he drank plenty of water and ate the doggie cookies that Patches didn't like.

The oddest thing, to me though, was that last night I suddenly woke up and had a feeling to go look out the back door for Daniel, and just as I did the little mouse dashed out and landed right in the pool, where he would have drowned had I not just "happened" to be there. I got the fish net out and lifted him up and out of the water. He ran into the bushes where I suspect they live, and I heard all kinds of squeeking going on. Daniel then appeared from that area, but sans mouse, so I will assume he made it home.

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