
By LeeAnne


I've had a very productive day... I decided that my flat was a complete shit-tip so I really had to do something about it. It's taken me all day and three bin bags later (how does one person accumulate so much junk?) and I am now surrounded by cleanliness! This makes me happy! As is bunny! He is also happy!

Clean sheets on my bed (and a bag of washing in the boot of the car to take home to Mum!) are one of my favourite things in the world Yes... I'm almost 40 a grown up and I still take my bedding back home to get washed... living in a flat its not that easy to get it dry so it gets hung out in the garden to dry at my Mum's house. Not only does it come back smelling of home (don't you just love that?!) but there's a magic ironing fairy there too! Thanks Mum!

So I have a lovely clean flat and I've even been to the supermarket to do a healthy shop and now I'm about to cook something scrummy for dinner, thanks Jamie Oliver for the recipe! I bought myself a lovely bottle of wine too (okay so not all my shopping is that healthy), it's in the fridge chilling. I also bought some beef to throw in my slow cooker tomorrow so that I can go out for the day with my camera since I've done all my chores. I'll come home and dinner will be ready! Winner!

I bumped into an old friend at the shops... not seen her for a while yet we just pick up where we left off with the chatter. Real friendships are important... there's no "why haven't you called", it's just effortless and flows into all the news and catching up on the stuff you've missed. I like those sort of friendships and I'm really lucky to have a number of really good friends in my life. I've been grumpy this week and I think some time alone was just what I needed. I found this little card in a frame while I was clearing out all the stuff I've hoarded since the last major clear out and it made me smile. It sort of fits at the moment. I like it.

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
- Helen Keller

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