3 months old on 11-11-11

The baby turned 3 months old today! I can't believe how fast time is going or how big she's getting! Every day it seems like I notice something new or she gets a little better at a skill.

She does really well with tummy time these days. She can push her torso up with her arms and full rotate her head. When she kicks her legs she can move herself forward a little but still has a way to go until she's fully crawling.

She hasn't rolled over yet (either from back to front or front to back) and while she reaches for toys dangling overhead she doesn't actually open her fists to grab them. However, she does grab the railing of her changing table and doesn't have problems grabbing my hair or the straps of my tank tops although it's more reflexive than purposive.

Thank goodness she finally can take a bottle. As for sleeping, she still needs to be propped to fall off to slumber land.

She smiles like crazy and LOVES it when you make funny faces at her. She shrieks in delight but it's not quite a laugh yet.

Each passing day she just gets stronger and stronger and we enjoy her more and more!

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