Momentous Occassion
Evening all
Blipping from work. Nightshift last night, quick sleep then off to the football, back home grab to work !!! Thing is, I'm not a huge football fan, more into Basketball myself, though I do follow the scores and news. My son has never shown an interest in football till recently. So when he came home from school on thursday asking to go to the game, very excited,, how could I off we went to the Raith Rovers v Ayr United game.
C'Mon The Rovers !!!
Not a bad game, though we lost 1-0. Main thing is, Handsome Boy enjoyed himself......even asked about next weeks game.....but the Scotch pies left a lot to be desired !!
Gordon Brown was there, we passed right by him as we went in.
Well.......better get back to work ......NS Artic is the ship coming alongside tonight 22.30. This ship has a huge polar bear painted along its sides.....quite cool ;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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