My fridge/my terrace

By fridgeguy

fridge 12.11.11

Could this be an all time low for the fridge? There's hee haw in there bar some orange juice and a rather splendid cheddar from Arran which I can't see myself cracking open any time soon.

On the plus side there is a small chocolate pudding which I found in the freezer and no doubt the soup pot will make an appearance tomorrow.

Did ok on the booze front last night, had 3 pints which was enough for me to want to reach for a travel blanket and a mug of cocoa by 11pm, but not so much that I convinced myself of the benefit of 'one last drink' at close to 12.

Having had some booze last night the temptation to pop a bottle of white in the fridge is strong, but I should really get back on that wagon. Only 18 odd days to go.

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