Scrawny Old Man

By richtoller

Road to Newburgh

Out for an afternoon walk on the Fife Coast Path from Balmerino towards Newburgh.
Took some pretty pictures - this isn't really pretty but it's the one I liked best.
Over a long stretch of time Mrs RT and I walked the whole Fife Coast Path between the Forth and Tay road bridges, by daywalks mainly on winter Saturdays. Now they've extended it at both ends, to Newburgh on the Tay and Culross on the Forth, so there's more for us to do. Think we're going to enjoy it. Today we did just a tiny bit, after representing the church in our local community centre open day.
Hardly any public turned up, but it was worthwhile for us networking with community workers and talking about how we can develop the work in our church's new facilities.

Road to ...?

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