dancing queen

By jude14

Peace offering!

6:45a.m. and all hell breaks loose with Big Brother in the house.

While dancing Queen is just beginning to think about getting up, Battyboo and Big Brother are already at loggerheads. The first argument was over a metronome (I'm sure it's the same in all houses!)
Unfortunately the scene got uglier as more and more insults were hurled from one offspring to the other.

6:58 a.m and dancing Queen enters the room.

Her first words are spoken ".&*%$£^&**^%$££$^)))!!!!"

7:03 a.m and both children are in their bedrooms.

7:09 a.m. and Big Brother has been allowed back into the kitchen to finish off his art homework.

7:12 a.m. and Battyboo is allowed out of her room.

Battyboo: "You can use my pens if you like".
Big Brother: "Thanks.....I'm sorry."
Battyboo: "Me too."

7.15 a.m and calm has been restored!

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