
By reversepolarity


Strange mix of emotions today.

A fun filled 3rd Birthday party for Ewan's pal Daniel, after which I headed up town for some early xmas shopping.

Thinking of family, my Pops.

Wandered through the occupy Edinburgh site.

When I try and understand the financial meltdown that is currenty tumbling towards our oblivion (or so the news reports keep telling me), I also try and imagine what it must have been like to experience the horrors of war.

I read this passage by Stewart Lansley about the mega-rich and the amount of money they are sitting on.

"The Bank of New York Mellon, holds £16.1tn of assets. To put that into perspective, the US National Debt is £9.2tn. If it (the mega-rich) spent its money it could change it for the better, but it's holding on to it. It's more likely to invest in takeovers and private equity, which make money from the transfer of existing wealth rather than create new wealth and jobs."

Mind-boggling numbers alert again....this helps to visualise it.

I can ony relate to what I know, but today can help to put things into perspective.

Giving everything, Wanting everything

I hope that the future for mini me will be a bright one.

I think of the statistics that a colleague provided.

80% of jobs that the next generation will fill have not yet been invented.

I wonder what Ewan will choose to do??

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