Playing With Shadows

By percyprestwick

Evening Contemplation

Visiting Edinburgh to say goodbye and pay our respects to Donald C. MacDonald MBE, known to my family as Gruncle Donald. He was a fantastic man who was always made sure he was up to date with what everyone in our extensive family, and his enormous network of friends, were up to, always welcomed guests and shared his passions for good food and the Arts. He used to take me and my sister out to dinner, and the ballet or the opera while we were at uni in Edinburgh. The funeral was of course sad, but the wake, in The National Museum of Scotland, was lovely. It was great to catch up with all of my extended family which unfortunately we only seem to at funerals. The wine,whisky and stories flowed freely and I'm sure Gruncle Donald would have approved.

I caught this on the way back to the car, and thought it would be an appropriate blip, Gruncle Donald loved Edinburgh and to my mind The Meaddows are the quintescence of Edinburgh.

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