
By Poppy

Rolly Polly Pony!

I think she was expecting me to come and rub her tummy, rather than take photos of her! She looks a bit indignant that I should be blipping her in an undignified pose! We'd been playing chasing each other in the field, a version of tig, which is only fun until she gets too excited and starts kicking up her heels - then it is just dangerous and irresponsible behaviour, I know!

We have an excellent relationship, Nimbus and I. She is very strong minded but is easily won over by food and therefore pretty easy to train. I've had her for 7 of her 13 years and she is nothing like the stroppy mare she used to be. Perhaps we are all mellowing with age!

Busy packing today and tomorrow will be hectic. Heading south on Saturday, so there won't be much blipping for the next couple of weeks. Will catch up when I can. . . . . !

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