horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Bordering on a Great Ride

Off down to Kelso as planned, bikes loaded atop the car, for a wee 16 mile spin with Mel and her dad. At 69 he's fitter than most OAPs, but seemed to find the going hard today (and stubbornly still refuses to let me look at a few niggling things he has wrong with the bike because despite it being one of my things he decalres he 'used to be an engineer so should be able to do these things'). We were told of how much weight training he's been doing at the gym and how many spin classes he's been attending and how he thought he'd be leaving us for dead (again, despite this being my thing and a daily thing at that meaning I've simply got 'bike fitness' (he'd leave me for dead in a spin class). Ah well. I'll likely hear the excuses tomorrow night at Taiko as to exactly why he wasn't whizzing along.

Birds seen, but not photographed, included Great Spotted Woodpecker; Jays; suspected Peregrine and Yellowhammer; and numerous Buzzards. BUt the day was about the ride, not the wildlife.

Freshly cooked lunch partaken, nice ride in a strangely warm but rain-threatened and slightly foggy day. And a lot less on than yesterday (just making some chocolate muffins which are now in the fridge so the melted chocolate topping can harden a little). Not a bad Sunday all in all. As ever the only downside being it is followed by a Monday. Pah.

Newly cleaned car by night

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