Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Can you guess where we are?

What to do on a glorious Saturday? (don't think the weather realises it's the middle of November - 18 degrees just isn't right but I'm not complaining!)

We decided to pop down to Paris as we got a good deal at a Novotel and I hadn't been to Paris since a University Cross Country trip back in 1996.

We walked for miles whilst coaxing, pushing (in a pushchair - just for clarification!), and carrying O and D, who were fab. We walked along the Seine stopping off at Notre Dame to admire the building, take lots of snaps and eat crepes. We then walked on to admire the Hotel De Ville before arriving at Musee Du Louvre where I tried to take snaps of O pretending to touch the top of the large glass pyramid - it sort of worked.

The above blip is a view of the Eiffel Tower, taken from near the glass pyramids at the Louvre.

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