to my bones

By mavo

Happy birthday me!

I just hate birthdays :D hah! Everyone has been so mysterious about everything when they have been planning things for tonight that I almost lost my nerves. But it was all worth waiting for, I got cakes, pictures and cards even all the way from Germany! :)) and some drinks for the night of course :D It was all so nice and sweet that people had been thinking and doing stuff for today for my birthday. So lovely, I'm so happy and lucky that I have all these people here <3

We had a bigbig party at our place as my flatmate also has birthday on the same day and in one way the party was a total catastrophe but then again it was all legen... wait for it.. dary! :D Everyone had good time and for sure everyone will remember this night! and now I'M OLD!! :D but my mind is still 16 ;D

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