Why not us?

By bigbird

Empty Classroom...but why?

European Cup, that's why. I did make it to all my classes today, but was given a free pass out of art history because Germany was playing Croatia. Croatia somehow won the game, upsetting Germany. I've been told I don't care enough. I've also been told that I care too much about the Celtics.

After the soccer game, (which I watched once I got home) we met up for an entire trip around the ring. After that we hit the liter and a third cocktails for 9 euros each, which I guess nobody can really say is a good idea. Matrix club after that; typical thursday night. I met with Paul, Gav, and some others to watch the Celtics-Lakers game, but My Bar wasnt working. The bar we did find kicked us out at half time, so then I came home...I'll find out soon enough. Nothing big planned for tomorrow..maybe Turkish Market, but nothing else specific.

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