Country File

By marypot

Here is a list of puddings...

Which I'm not going give you. (slight parody on a Blackadder line there).

Let's face it: as lists of puddings go, this one is up there with the best, no? But alas none of them were destined to be consumed by yours truly.

I went for a meal with the girls from my NCT antenatal group last night. We ate at an Italian bistro in Hexham. Excellent food; extremely relaxed service. Our table was booked for 8.30pm. I opted out of having a starter as I had my eye on the puddings board. The starters took an age to arrive, and the main courses didn't arrive until a quarter to ten. By the time we'd finished them, the girls and I were all a bit tired and as they had had starters, they weren't bothered about puddings. So I was left puddingless and this list is just a wishlist now.

Still, got to be good for the waistline, I suppose.

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